Page:English Historical Review Volume 35.djvu/639

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INDEX THE THIRTY-FIFTH VOLUME ARTICLES, NOTES AND DOCUMENTS Articles of the Barons, Article 13 of the : by F. M. Powicke, 401 Antoninus, Textual errors in the Itinerary of : by G. H. Wheeler, 377 Baeony and thanage : by Miss R. R. Reid, 161 Bishopthorpe, A preliminary draft of thetruceof,1323: by C.Johnson, 231 Boroughs, Charters to some western, in 1256 : by Miss E. Penson, 558 Bridgnorth company of smiths, The : by Miss C. A. J. Skeel, 244 Castle, The staff of a, in the twelfth century : by J. H. Round, 90 Castle watchmen : by J. H. Round, 400 Chester, The end of the Norman earl- dom of : by R. Stewart-Brown, 26 Closes, The cultivation of : by S. A. Peyton, 432 ' Comitatus Pallacii ' : by Miss M. Tout (Mrs. W. D. Sharp), 418 Conchubranus' Life of St. Monenna, The sources of : by M. Esposito, 71 Dutch missions to England in 1689, The : by G. N. Clark, 532 Erasmus : by the Rev. J. P. Whit- ney, 1 Eustace, Sir Maurice, Letters con- cerning : by F. W. X. Fincham, 251 ' FiRMA unius noctis ', The : by Miss E. B. Demarest, 78 Forgery of fines, 1272-1376, The : by H. G. Richardson, 405 Galleys, English, in the sixteenth century, by E. R. Adair, 498 Harding, Thomas : by the Rev. H. De Vocht, 233 Haverfield, Francis : by H. H. E. Craster, 63 Henry VII, the emperor, The date of the birth of : by Miss G. R Cole- Baker, 224 Herbert of Bosham, The Arras MS. of : by T. Craib, 218 Lichfield, Dr. Higgs's narrative of the siege of, 1643, 249 Lincoln documents of 1147, Two : by the Rev. H. E. Salter, 212 Macpherson and the Nairne Papers : by G. Davies, 367 Mary queen of Scots, Proceedings in parliament relative to the sentence on, 103 Masters of the schools at Paris and Chartres in John of Salisbury's time, The : by R. L. Poole, 321 Merchants' courts at Winchester : by J. S. Furley, 98 Monmouth's rebellion, 1685, Three letters on : by G. Davies, 113 Montenegro, The hereditary prince- bishops of : by W. Miller, 259 Nairne Papers, Macpherson and the : by G. Davies, 367 Neville, Archbishop, and John Tip- toft, earl of Worcester, Letters of, to the university of Oxford : by J. Tait, 570 Norfolk, The early sheriffs of : by J. H. Round, 481 Papal Collectors, The petition of 1307 against : by Miss E. M. Thompson, 419 Roman Law and the new monarchy in France : by Sir Geoffrey Butler, 55 St. Monenna, The sources of Con- chubranus' life of : by M. Espo- sito. 71 Secretaries of state in the seventeenth century. The emoluments of : by Miss F. M. Greir Evans, 515 Sheriffs of Norfolk, The early : by J. H. Round, 481 Star Chamber, Proceedings in the court of, 1491 : by C. L. Kingsford, 421