Page:English Historical Review Volume 37.djvu/561

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1922 CORRESPONDENCE OF SIR THOMAS MORE 553 75. Brit. Mus. MS. Titus B. XI, fo. 411 ; Ellis, T. i. 68 ; Delcourt, p. 317. More to Wolsey. 5 July <1519>, Woking. This and succeeding letters are official correspondence : all original. They have been printed with care by Sir Henry Ellis, Original Letters, 1824 ; in the State Papers, 1830 ; and by M. Joseph Delcourt, Essai sur la langue, de Sir Thomas More, 1914. 76. Brit. Mus. MS. Galba B. V, fo. 296 ; Ellis, i. i. 69 ; Delcourt, p. 319. More to Wolsey. 6 July <1519>, Woking. 77. Brit Mus. MS. Galba B. V, fo. 295 ; Ellis, i. i. 70 ; Delcourt, p. 320. More to Wolsey. 9 July <1519>, Woking. 78. Epistolae Budaei, 1520, fo. 70 V . Bude to More. Nunquam posthac ... 12 August 1519, Paris. 79. Ill, p. 59. More to Croke. Quisquis is . . . <1519 ?> A large extract. Richard Croke is meant here ; though Stapleton calls him John. The mistake perhaps occurred because Croke assumed the name Johannes Flandrensis when in Italy in 1529 to collect canonists' opinion on Henry's divorce (Diet, of Nat. Biog.). Pace became royal secretary in 1519. Croke was perhaps hoping to be appointed to a chair at Oxford or Cambridge. 80. Epistolae Aliquot Eruditorum, <1520>, fo. G. iii. More to a monk. Perlatae sunt . . . -(1519-20.) Answering criticisms on the second edition of Erasmus' New Testament, Basle, Froben, March 1519. 81. 82. Epistolae Eruditorum Virorum, 1520, pp. 79, 82. More to Lee. Neminem esse . . . 27 February <1520>, Greenwich. More to Lee. Nudius tertius ... 29 February <1520>, Greenwich. 83. I. iv. 1087. More to Erasmus. Ecquid vidisti . . . (March-April 1520, Greenwich ?> 84. Epistola ad Brixium, 1520. i More to Germanus Brixius. Non adeo tenere . . . 1520. In reply to Brixius' Antiinorus, Paris, P. Vidoue, <c. February) 1519/20, More composed this Epistola, London, Pynson, <April> 1520 : see I. iv? 1045, 1087. 85. I. iv. 1090. More to Erasmus. Tametsi mihi . . . (April 1520, Greenwich ?> Answered by 89. 86. Brit. Mus. MS. Galba B. V. 381 ; Brewer, iii. 731. Henry VIII to Ruthall, Tunstall, Pace, More. Henricus dei gratia ... 8 April 1520, Greenwich. Commission to conclude with the bishop of Helna and others a treaty of intercourse with the emperor. (Draft.) 87. I. iv. 1093. Erasmus to More. Sperabam ... 26 April 1520, Antwerp. Answered by 88.