Page:English Historical Review Volume 37.djvu/567

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1922 CORRESPONDENCE OF SIR THOMAS MORE 559 151. Brit. Mus. MS. Galba B. V, fo. 134 ; Brewer, iv.4080; Delcourt, p. 354. More to Wolsey. 16 March <1528>, Windsor. 152. Epistola Nicolai Pape, 1536, fo. Dd. More to Cochlaeus. Dici non potest . . . <1528 ?> First printed in Antiqua et insignia epiatola Nicolai Pape I, <&c. &c. Frag- menta quarundam Tho. Mori epistolarum ad Erasmum Rot. et ad loannem Coc<Uaeumy, Leipzig, Lotther, 1536. Extracts in III, pp. 73, 88. Probably not long after the Disputation at Bern, which was held in January 1528. 153. Ill, p. 78. More to Cranevelt. Pudefacit me ... 10 June 1528, Chelsea. 154. Chronicon Opus, 1529, fo. 155. Cochlaeus to More. Inueni hie . . . 11 November 1528, Mainz. Preface to an edition of Cassiodorus' Chronicon, printed with other chronicles in Chronicon diuinum plane opus, Basle, H. Petrus, March 1529. Answered by 155. 155. Epistola Nicolai Pape, 1536, fo. Dd v . More to Cochlaeus. Literas tuas . . . (March-April ? 1529.) More has received the Chronicon, and has read it ' cum animi voluptate '. 156. Epistola Nicolai Pape, 1536, fo. Dd 2 . More to Cochlaeus. Hoc mihi velim . . . (1529 ?)> An extract in III, p. 74. Perhaps referring again to the Chronicon. 157. MS. Bodl. 282, fo. 92^. University of Oxford to More. Plurimis argumentis . . , <1529 ?>, Oxford. Thanking for More's support of the university in its suits. Year indicated by position. 158. Eecord Office, State Papers, Hen. VIII, 55, pp. 12-13 ; Brewer, iv. 5806. (Palsgrave) to More. After my most humble . . . (1529 ?> Autograph draft. Wishes More long life ; ' and when your daughters disputed in philosophy afore the King's grace, I would it had been my fortune to be present.' 159. Brit. Mus. MS. Calig. D. XI, fo. 71 ; Brewer, iv. 5822. Tunstall, Hacket, <More> to Henry VIII. <? 2 August 1529, Cambray.) More left England on 1 July (Brewer, iv. 5775), with the embassy that was to negotiate the treaty of Cambray ; and was back at Woodstock by 3 September. 160. Brit. Mus. MS. Calig. D. XI, fo. 10 ; Brewer, iv. 5824. Tunstall, More, Hacket to Henry VIII. <c. 4> August <1529>, Cambray. 161. Brit. Mus. MS. Calig. D. XI, fo. 8 ; Brewer, iv. 5830. Tunstall, More, Hacket to Henry VIII. 5 August 1529, Cambray.