Page:English Historical Review Volume 37.djvu/572

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564 CALENDAR OF MORE'S CORRESPONDENCE October 197. Bodleian MS. Ballard 72, fo. 98 V ; II, p. 1446. More to Margaret Koper. // / wolde . . . <1534, Tower of London.) 198. Bodleian MS. Ballard 72, fo. 101^ ; II, p. 1449. More to Margaret Roper. Your daughterly . . . 1534, Tower of London. 199. Brit. Mus. MS. Arundel 152, fo. 320 V ; Brewer, vii. 1591. Lady More to Henry VIII. In lamentable wise . . . <c. Christmas 1534.) Original. Printed by J. Bruce in Archaeologia, xxvii (1838), pp. 369-70. ' S r Thomas Moore . . . being yo r graces prisoner, in yo r Tower of London, by the space of eighte monethes and above . . .' Cf. 187 for date of imprisonment. 200. II, p. 1450. More to Master Leder, ' a verteous priest '. The tale that . . . Saturday, 16 January 1534/5, Tower of London. 201. Brit. Mus. MS. Arundel 152, fo. 294 ; II, p. 1451. More to Margaret Roper. 7 doubt not . . . 2 or 3 May 1535, Tower of London. 202. A Collection of Letters, 1753, p. 271 ; Brewer, viii. 800. Lady More to Cromwell. May 1535. First printed by L. Howard in A Collection of Letters from the original Manuscripts, London, 1753. 203. II, p. 1452 ; Brewer, viii. 815. More to Margaret Roper. Forasmuche . . . <3 June 1535, Tower of London.) ' . . . The counsayle were here thys day, and I was before theym . . . ' A Record Office document (see Brewer, viii. 814) gives his answers to questions put by Thomas Audley, lord chancellor, and others, 3 June 27 Henry VIII 204. II, p. 1454. More to Antonio Bonvisi. Amicorum amicissime . . . 1535, Tower of London. An English translation on p. 1456. 205. II, p. 1457. More to Margaret Roper. Oure Lorde blesse you . . . 5 July 1535, Tower of London. .... For <tq morow> is saint Thomas euen, and ye vtas of saint Peter : and therf ore to morow long I to go to god : it were a day verye mete and conuenient for me. . . .' Translated into Latin in III, p. 334.

An Early Grant to Sebastian Cabot

The search for documents illustrative of the enterprises of the Cabots has been so minute and apparently exhaustive that the accidental discovery of a hitherto unpublished privy seal of Henry VII concerning the grant of an annuity to Sebastian Cabot was unexpected. The official documents connected with