Page:English Historical Review Volume 37.djvu/641

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INDEX TO THE THIRTY -SEVENTH VOLUME 633 Everitt (A. T.) and Lilley (H. T.) Portsmouth parish church, 623 FEDEB (A.) Lehrbuch der historischen Methodik, 318 Fees, The book of, commonly called Testa de Nevill, Pt. I, 1198-1242 ; ed. by Sir H. C. Maxwell-Lyte : by F. M. Powicke, 570 Ferrari (V.) II ' De Republica' di T. Livio de' Frulovisi, 296 Ferrero (G.) La mine de la civilisation antique, 137 Fine Rolls, Calendar of, 1347-56, vi, 612 .Fisher, The life of: transcr. by the Rev. R. Bayne, 465 Fitzroy (Sir A.) Henry, duke of Graf ton, 300 Flemming (Jessie H.) England under the Lancastrians, 296 Flint pleas, 1283-5: ed. by J. Goronwy Edwards, 624 Foster (W.) The English factories in India, 1655-60 : by P. E. Roberts, 128 France contemporaine, Histoire de, viii, ix : ed. by E. Lavisse, 471, 618 Frank (T.) An economic history of Rome to the end of the republic : by H. Stuart Jones, 115 Fry (Agnes) Memoir of Sir Edward Fry, 618 Fueter (E.) Weltgeschichte der letzten hundert Jahre, 617 GAGLIARDI (E.) Geschichte der Schweiz von den Anfdngen bis auf die Gegen- wart, 622 Gasquet (F. A.) Monastic life in the middle ages, 611 Gathorne-Hardy (G. M.) The Norse discoverers of America : by W. P. Ker, 267 Gerould (J. T.) Sources of English history in the seventeenth century, 144 Gilson (J. P.) and Warner (Sir G. F.) Catalogue of western manuscripts in the Old Royal and King's collections : by Reginald L. Poole, 450 Gilpin County, Early records of, ed. by T. M. Marshall, 309 Gipson (L. H.) Jared Ingersoll, 150 Goyau (G.) Histoire religieuse de la nation franchise (Histoire de la nation franchise, vi), 621 Grant Duff (J. C.) History of the Mahrattas ; ed. by S. M. Edwardes, 312 HAAKE (P.) J. P. F. Ancillon und Kronprinz Friedrich Wilhelm IV : by C. K. Webster, 133 Der Preussische Verfassungskampf vor hundert Jahren : by C. K. Web- ster, 133 Haberkern (E.) Der Kampf um Sizilien, 295 Hamilton (L.) Ur sprung der franzosi' schen Bevdlkerung Canadas, 144 Hare, Burke and : ed. by William Roughead, 470 Harris (R.) Souvenirs of the May- flower tercentenary, 147 Hayden (Mary) and Moonan (G. A.) Short History of the Irish people, 620 Hayden (R.) The senate and treaties, 151 Heitland (W. E.) Agricola: by H. Stuart Jones, 569 Hensman (E. W. ) Loughborough during the civil war, 316 Herbert (S.) The fall of feudalism in France, 304 Heywood (W.) History of Pisa, 293 Historical society, royal, Transactions of the, 4thser.,iv, 626 Historische Blatter, pt. 1, 160 History, vi, no. 24, 319 Hogan (J.) Ireland in the European system, i, 141 Hudson (W.) The Anglo-Danish village community of Martham, 622 Huguet (A.) Le marquis de Cavoye, 148 Hunter Blair (Sir D.).John Patrick, third Marquess of Bute, 309 India, Early travels in : ed. by W. Foster, 143 India, List of heads of administration in, 474 Indian policy, The development of an, 1818-1858: ed. by G. Anderson and M. Subedar, 470 Indian records commission, Proceed- ings of the, 1920, 313 Inquisitions, Calendar of, x, Edward III : by J. H. Round, 273 Insh (G. P.) Scottish colonial schemes, 1620-1686, 614 Irvine (W.) The later Mughals, i : by P. E. Roberts, 448 JACKSON (F. J. Foakes) Introduction to the history of Christianity, 609 James (M. R.) Catalogue of the Latin manuscripts in the John Rylands Library : by H. H. E. Craster, 458 Jarrett (B.) The English Dominicans : by A. G. Little, 116 Jones (R. M.) The later periods of Quakerism : by the Rev. W. H. Frere, 596 Journal of Indian history, no. 1, 320 Journal of the royal Asiatic society, 1922, 627 KARMIN (0.) Sir Francis D'lvernois : by W. D. Green, 130 Keith (A. B.) War government of the dominions, 311 Kennedy (W. P. M.), The nature of Canadian federalism, 470 King (Grace) Creole families in New Orleans, 477 w Kingsford (C. L.) The Royal Warwick- shire Regiment, 468 Kingston, The parish register of, Upper Canada : ed. by A. H. Young, 303