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Unit 8

Chapter 4

I. Reading

from Motherland Should be a Dirty Word

I don't care a fig about women's rights. Women's rights, however, are directly tied to the number of babies which are born. The biggest argument in favor of the women's liberation movement is not that women should have more opportunities, be happier, or live fuller lives. The biggest argument is that they should stop thinking of motherhood as the highest career to which they can aspire.

Two children per family is considered about right in terms of the country's ability to adjust to its growing population. If the U.S. population reaches 280 million by the year 2,000—which it is expected to do at the present rates—this will be like adding nearly 4 billion Indians to the world's population. This idea was expressed well by Dr. Reid A. Bryson. According to him, the United States averages about sixty people per square mile. But when you consider how nany cars, washing machines, and electric lights each of these people uses, it is as if each person had 150 slaves. Each gadget requires food—in the form of fuel—and each throws off metabolic wastes.

- Henry W. Pierce

II. Activity

Apply to the above reading the following exercises from Unit 4, Chapter 4:

1) Vocabulary Exercises A, B, C, D, and E
2) Writing Exercises A and B