Page:English for Teachers.djvu/14

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Adverbs (p. 464)

Korea is already overcrowded.
Fortunately, there is a solution.
Population growth (continues rapidly.

Frequency Words (p. 466)

never/ seldom/occasionally /often/usually/always

The Connective When (p. 470)

When I have time, I usually play pingpong.

  1. Exchanges

    A: How often does he speak English?
    B: Only when he meets an American.

    A: Do you ever play tennis?
    B: Sure, when it's not too hot.

    A: Ms. Park isn't here yet, is she?
    B: No, this is strange. She's always on time.

    A: Isn't he here yet?

    B: He's usually late when it rains.
  2. Quotations The accumulation of knowledge is the source of all wealth.

    - Population Explosion

    Austerity is elegance.

    - Ahn Pil Jae

  3. Activity
A. Name something that you often do on Sundays.