Page:English for Teachers.djvu/41

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Unit 3

Chapter 3

  1. Writing (continued)
    1. Connect the pairs of sentences using "while".
      1. It rained heavily. I drove to work.
      2. I did the homework. I watched television.
      3. The boss arrived. She typed the letter.
      4. He came downstairs. I had breakfast.
      5. The student slept. The teacher lectured.
    2. Do part B again, but this time use only the first sentence and make up the second part yourself.
    3. Observe different people in your class. Write about their actions in the past continuous using "while".
      ex. While Mr. Lee was writing, Mr. Kim was speaking.
  2. Song

    "I've Been Working on the Railroad"

    I've been working on the railroad
    All the live-long day,
    I've been working on the railroad
    Just to pass the time away,
    Don't you hear the whistle blowing?
    Rise up so early in the morn,
    Don't you hear the captain shouting
    "O Dinah, blow your horn!"