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Unit 4

Chapter 1

Expressions of Future Time (p. 448)

I will meet you at the Pung Rim Tearoom. (emphatic)
I am going to meet Mr. Han today. (unemphatic)
I will have to get there early.
I was going to, but I didn't, (action planned, but not completed. )

Requests (p. 448)

Will you do this for me?
Won't you come with me?

I. Activity

A. Substitute one word from the Comprehensive Reading for the underlined word or words below.

  1. Our greatest wealth is our forests.
  2. For a Peace Corps Volunteer, he speaks Korean comparatively well.
  3. He puts his life in danger everytime he tries to cross the highway.
  4. Do you have an answer to the problem?
  5. Rat control is a matter of community concern.
  6. That shouldn't be a major worry.
  7. We should give freely to the Korean National Tuberculosis Association.
  8. Responsible members of a nation work for the common good.
  9. Vitamins reduce the chance of disease.
  10. Safety First is a safe-guard against accidents.

B. Discover and underline the uses of "will" in the Comprehensive Reading. Take the sentence and expand it with "because".

ex. "General poor health and specific diseases will cost Korea billions of dollars this year because many people will not be able to work."

C. Discuss what the above exercise tells you about "will".

Clue: Does "will" suggest fact or opinion?

II. Reading

A. Mr. Park Kuk Jo is going on a trip soon. A doctor is going to give him a shot.
"Will it hurt?" Mr. Park asks.
"No, don't worry. It won't hurt at all. You won't even feel it," the doctor is saying.