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Unit 4

Chapter 5

IV. Review Reading (continued)

What facts should we know? You are not going to find them pleasant. Rats almost always carry disease, including bubonic plague and typhus. Outbreaks of bubonic plague are still easy to find in Asia, and typhus killed thousands every year until a vaccine was developed.

Rats often eat men's food, too. Reports at the U.N. said rats would eat 33 million tons of grain next year, food that was going to feed 200 million people. Rats would have died long ago, but they've eaten men's food.

Shall we ignore these facts? We must not. We cannot delay too long. By next year the problem will be worse. Let's begin today and eradicate the rat!

V. Writing

A. Many arguments go from the general to the specific. Often the generalization is an opinion and the specific a fact. In each of the above paragraphs of the Review Reading, decide whether or not each clause or sentence is a generalization(G) or a specific(S). Write a diagram of the argument in each paragraph, using the symbols G and S.

ex.In the second paragraph of the Comprehensive Reading, the argument is


B. But often in our own daily experience, we take a fact or specific and generalize from it, the reverse procedure of formal arguments. Write ten generalizations from the following.

ex. Our American teacher, Miss Sabina Wilder, smokes cigarettes.
All American women smoke cigarettes.
  1. Mr. Kim Tae Ho is short and Mr. Baker is tall.
  2. The Chinese restaurant on the corner is dirty.
  3. Prince Philip is a gentleman.
  4. Tanaka only thinks about money.
  5. Mr. Lee is smarter than Mrs. Lee.