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Unit 5

Chapter 3

IV. Reading

Mr. Pak bought a new shirt last week. The mterial is synthetic, but it looks and feels natural. Mr. Pak felt uncomfortable wearing the shirt at first because it's very loud. He grew shy and didn't want to wear it on the street. Gradually, however, he became more daring, and now he wears it almost everyday. When he wears it, he feels like a new person. Although Mr. Pak is an old man, his new shirt makes him look and feel young.

V. Dialogue

A: Mr. Kim, when did you become a fancy dresser?
B: Why? What do you mean?
A: That suit really looks good.
B: Why, thanks. You seem pretty happy today.
A: That's because I became a grandfather last night.
B: Congratulations!

VI. Activity

Students blindfold each other and identify tastes, sounds, smells, and textures, i.e.

It feels soft.
It tastes bitter.

VII. Writing

A. Change the verbs to linking verbs.

  1. That material is very natural-looking.
  2. When he was forty-three, John F. Kennedy was President.
  3. Wool is very coarse.
  4. That food has a foul odor.
  5. His voice is hoarse.

B. Using linking verbs, write one sentence describing each of your classmates, i.e. Mr. Kim is growing old, getting bald, etc.