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Unit 6

Chapter 5

The Subjunctive (p. 449)

If John were here, he could help us.
I wish I was in Polynesia.

Present-unreal conditional sentences and "wish + complement" sentences use the subjunctive form "were" for all three persons, singular and plural. But this usage is rapidly changing. Now even educated people use "was" instead of "were".

I. Exchanges

A: What would you do if you were a millionaire?
B: I'd buy a Rolls Royce.

A: I wish I was in Cheju-do.
B; Boy, that would be nice.

A: He wishes he were president.
B: Oh really? Why?
A: He likes power.

II. Song

I wish I were an apple.
Hanging on a tree.
And everytime sweetheart passed.
She'd take a bite of me.

"Cindy, Cindy"
- American Folk Song

III. Writing

Make short negative responses, using "I wish he __________"
  1. Mr. Kim lives far away.
  2. This student chews gum in class.
  3. My neighbor plays violin.
  4. He has a noisy dog.
  5. Korean is difficult.