Page:English for Teachers.djvu/98

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Unit 8

Chapter 1

Relative Pronouns (p. 460)

I read the book which was on the table.
I saw the man who gave you the book.
I see the place where the book was.
I was there at the time when the book was taken.
I saw the man whose book was on the table.

Relative Word in Clauses as Complements (p.470)

I know who writes poetry.

Relative Word in Clauses as Subjects (p. 479)

What he wanted is difficult to say.

Nonrestrictive Clauses (p. 474)

John, who had never tried skating, fell on the ice.

I. Exchanges

A: It's easy for me to speak English.
B: Well, what is easy for you may not be easy for someone else.

A: Do you know what this is?
B: No, but I think we can find someone who can tell us.

A: What's an employment agency?
B: It's a place where people go when they need a job.

A: I don't know how often to take this medicine.
B: Isn't that written on the package?
A: Yes, but I can't read what the pharmacist wrote.

II. Proverbs

A doctor who treats himself has a fool for a patient.

Practice what you preach.