Page:English fragments from Latin medieval service-books.pdf/17

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From the British Museum Manual, MS. 30,506 (xv. cent.).

From the Service for Baptism.

[1]N. I cristene þe in þe nanme of þe fader, and of þe sone, and of þe holy gost.

[2]Godfaderis and godmoderis, I charge ᵹow, and þe fader and þe moder, that þis child be kept þis seuen ᵹer fro water, fro feer, fro hors [3]fot, fro hondes toth; and þat he ligge not be þe fader an be þe moder vn-to tyme he conne sey "ligge outter," and þat he be confermyd of a byschop that next cometh to contre be scuen myle behalue, and þat [he] be tauᵹt his beleue, þat is for to sey, Pater noster, Aue maria, and Credo; And þat ᵹe wasche ᵹour hondes er ᵹe goon owt of chirche, in peyne of fastyng xl fridayes.

From the Marriage Service.

[4]I aske þe banes betwen I de B and A de C. ᵹif any man or woman kan sey or put any lettenge of sybrede, wherfor they may not, ne owght not, to come togedere be lawe of holy chirche, do vs to wete.

[5]Lo, syres, we been her gadered togedere befor god and alle his aungelis and his seyntis, in þe sith of holi cherche, to knette togedere two bodies, that is to sey, þis man and þis woman, to þis ende, þat from þis tyme forward þei moste be o flesch, and two sowles in þe feith and in þe lawe of god, to deserue togedere euer lastyng lyf in amendement of that þat þei haue do amys herbefore: wherfor I amones ᵹow alle, that, ᵹif þer be any of ᵹow þat knowe any lawful lettyng whi þis man and þis woman mai not be wedded togedere lawfulli, þat now he sey and knowliche it.

Also I charge ᵹow, bothe man and woman, þat ᵹif ony of ᵹow haue made any contract priuyli [6]before þis tyme, or any avow mad, or ony other cause knowe, whi þat ᵹe mai not come to-gedere lawfulli, now knowliche it.

N. Wiltow haue þis woman to þiu wyf, and loue here, and worshipe here, and holde hire, and kepe here in seknes and in hele, as an

  1. leaf 23.
  2. leaf 23, back.
  3. leaf 24.
  4. leaf 25.
  5. leaf 25, back.
  6. leaf 26.