Page:English fragments from Latin medieval service-books.pdf/20

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From the Office for the Visitation of the Sick.

Beleuyst þow in þe sacrament of þe auter, þat is cristes bodi whiche was born of marie, wiche criste lefte her among vs as for þe most preciows iewel, whan he schulde departe be deth from his disciples?

R'. ᵹhe.

knowlechist þou…

[Rest missing.]


Beleuest þow þat alle tho þat been in good lif schul haue part of alle [1]the[1] gode dedys, and preyeres that been doon in holy chirche, and [þat] alle tho þat been knet to-gedere here in holy chirche be grace, schul ben knet to-gedere in euerlastyng ioye?


Trustis thow in þe mercy of god, wiche wil not the deth of a synful man ᵹif he be sory of hys senne and schreuen, and in wyl to amende hym?


Trustis þow þat thow schal haue mercy ᵹif þow be sori of þin senne?


Trustis thow þat thow, and euery man and woman, schal rise vp at þe day of dome in body and in sowle, the badde to be dampned in endeles peyne, and þe gode to be take, bodi and sowle, in-to euerelastyng blisse?


Art þow in wil fulli to forᵹeue alle maner of men and women that þat þey haue trespased to the, so that þow art in wil to kepe no rancowr ne malise to hym in þe herte, but to be in loue and charite with eche man and woman?

I knowliche to god, and to owre lady seynt marie, and to alle þe halwen of heuene, that I haue senned, with mowth spoken, with feet goon, with eyen seyen, with eren hered, with nose smelled, with herte þowht, and with al myn senful body myswrowth; therfore i preye owre ladi seynt marie and alle the halwyn of heuene, prey for me; and the prest, þat thow beseche for me, and me asoyle, for charite.

Ᵹif the seke mai speke after that he is schriue, and hath mad his general confessioun, asoyle the prest hym on þis wyse.

  1. 1.0 1.1 In a later hand.
  2. leaf 51, back.