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The Original Series of the "Early English Text Society."

Paul Meyer-with Gaston Paris as adviser (alas, now dead);-Italy, Prof. Lattanzi; Austria, Dr. von Fleischhacker; while America is represented by the late Prof. Child, by Dr. Mary Noyes Colvin, Miss Rickert, Profs. Mead, McKnight, Triggs, Perrin, &c. The sympathy, the ready help, which the Society's work has cald forth from the Continent and the United States, have been among the pleasantest experiences of the Society's life, a real aid and cheer amiá all troubles and discouragements. All our Members are grateful for it, and recognise that the bond their work has woven between them and the lovers of language and antiquity across the seas is one of the most welcome results of the Society's efforts.


1. Early Engliah Alliterative Poems, ab. 1860 A.D., ed. Rev. Dr. R. Morris. 16s. 2. Arthur, ab. 1440, ed. F. J. Furnivall, M.A. 4s. 8. Lauder on the Dewtie of Kyngis, &o., 1556, ed. F. Hall, D.C.L. 48. 4. 1864 Bir Gawayne and the Green Knight, ab. 1360, ed. Rev. Dr. R. Morris. 10s. 5. Hume's Orthographie and 1865 1500, ed. Rev. W. W. Skeat. 8s. Genesis & Exodus, ab. 1250, ed. Rev. Dr. R. Morris. 88. 8. Lorte Arthure, ab. 1440, ed. E. Brock, 7e. 9. Thynne on Speght's ed. of Chauoer, A.D. 1599, ed. Dr. G. Kingsley and Dr. F. J. Furnivall. 104. 10. Merlin, ab. 1440, Part I., ed. H. B. Wheatley. 2s. 6d. 11. Lyndesay's Monarche, &o., 1552, Part I., ed. J. Small, M.A. 38. 12. Wright's Chaste Wife, ab. 1462, ed. F. J. Furnivall, M.A. la. 18. Beinte Marherete, 1200-1830, ed. Rev. O. Cockayne : re-edited by Dr. Otto Glauning. [Out of print. Kyng Horn, Floris and Blancheflour, &o., ed. Rev. J. R. Lumby, B.D., re-ed. Dr. G. H, McKnight. 5s. 15. Politioal, Religious, and Love Poems, ed. F. J. Furnivall. 78. 6d. 16. The Book of Quinte Essenoe, ab. 1460-70, ed. F. J. Furnivall. 18. 17. Parallel Extracts from 45 M88. of Piers the Plowman, ed. Rev. W. W. Skeat. 1s. 18. Hali Meidenhad, ab. 1200, ed. Rev. O. Cockayne, re-edited by Dr. F. J. Furnivall. [At Press. 19. Lyndesay's Monarche, &o., Part II., ed. J. Small, M.A. 88. 6d. 20. Hampole's English Prose Treatisos, ed. Rev. G. G. Perry. 1s. (Out of print. 21. Merlin, Part II., ed. H. B. 22. Partenay or Lusignen, ed. Rev. W. W. 23. Dan Miohel's Ayenbite of Inwyt, 1340, ed. Rev. Dr. R. Morris. 10s. 6d. 24. Hymns to the Virgin and Christ; the Parliament of Devils, &o., ab. 1430, ed. F. J. Furnivall. 25. The Stacions of Rome, the Pilgrims' Sea-voyage, with Olene Maydenhod, ed. F. J. Furnivall. 18. 26. Roligious Pieces in Prose and Verse, from R. Thornton's MS., ed. Rev. G. G. Perry. 2s. [Out of print. ,, 27. Levins's Manipulus Vooabulorum, a ryming Diotionary, 1570, ed. H. B. Wheatley. 128. 28. William's Vision of Piers the Plowman, 1362 A.D. ; Text A, Part I., ed. Rev. W. W. Skeat. 6s. 29. Old Englinh Homilies (ab. 1220-30 A.D.). Series I, Part I. Edited by Rev. Dr. R. Morris. 7s. 30. Pieroe the Ploughmans Orede, ed. Rev. W. W. Skeat. 2s. 31, Myro's Duties of a Parish Priest, in Verse, ab. 1420 A.,D., ed. E. Peacock. 48. 32. Early English Meals and Manners: the Boke of Norture of John Russell, the Bokes of Keruynge, Ourtasyo, and Demeanor, the Baboos Book, Urbanitatis, &o., ed. F. J. Furnivall. 128. 33. The Knight de la Tour Landry, ab. 1440 A.D. A Book for Daughters, ed. T. Wright, M. A. [Out of print. 34. Old Engliah Homilies (before 1800 A.D.). Series I, Part II., ed. R. Morris, LL.D. 88. 85. Lyndesay's Works, Part III. : The Historie and Testament of Squyer Meldrum, ed. F. Hall. 26. 88. Yerlin, Part III. Ed. H. Sir David Lyndesay's 1866 Skeat. 1867 1868 Wheatley. On Part IV., Ane Satyre of the Three Estaits. Ed. F. Hall, D.C.L. 48. n Arthurian Localities, by J. 8. Stuart Glennie. 12s. 1869 37. Bir 38. William's Vision of Piers the Plowman, Part II. Text B. Ed. Rev. W. W. Skeat, M. A. 10s. 6d. $9. Alliterative Romance of the Destruotion of Troy. Ed, D. Donaldson & G. A. Panton. Pt. I. 108. 6d. 40. English Gilds, their Statutes and Customs, 1389 A.D. Edit. Toulmin Smith and Lucy T. Smith, with an Essay on Gilds and Trades-Unions, by Dr. L, Brentano. 21s. 1870 41. William Lauder's Minor Poems, Ed. F. J. Furnivall, 8s. 42. Bernardus De Oura Rei Famuliaris, Early Scottish Prophecies, &c. Ed. J. R. Lumby, M. A. 28. 43. Ratis Raving, and other Moral and Religious Pieces. Ed. J, R Lumby, M. A. 44. The Alliterative Romance of Joseph of Arimathie, or The Holy Grail : from the Vernon MS. ; with W. de Worde's 45. King Alfred's West-Saxon Version of Gregory's Pastoral Care, edited from 2 MSs., with an English translation, by Henry Sweet, Esq., B.A., Balliol College, Oxford. Part I. 10s. 46. Legends of the Holy Rood, Symbols of the Passion and Oross Poems, ed. Rev. Dr. R. Morris. 10s. 47. Bir David Lyndesay's Works, Part V., ed. Dr. 48. The Times' Whistle, and other Poems, by R. C., 1616 ; ed, by J. M. Cowper, Esq. 68. 49. An Old English Misoellany, containing a Bestiary, Kentish Sermons, Proverbs of Alfred, and Religious Poems of the 13th cent., ed. from the MSS, by the Rev. R. Morris, LL.D. 10s. 50. King Alfred's West-Baxon Version of Gregory's Pastoral Care, ed. H. Sweet, M. A. Part II. 108. 51. The Life of St Juliana, 2 versions, A.D. 1280, with translations; ed. T. O. Cockayne & E. Broek. 2s. of Joseph: o's and Pynson's Lives of

ed. Rev. W. W. Skeat, M.A. 58.

1871 7 R. 1872