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The Original Series of the "Early English Text Society."

against the Citie of Londenya o edorigo Mors, A.D. 1545. Ed. J. M. Cowper. 9s. The Extra Series of the "Early English Text Society." 114. Aelfric's Metrical Lives of Saints, Part IV and last, ed. Prof. Skeat, Litt. D., LL.D. 10s. 115. Jacob's Well, edited fron the unique Salisbury Cathedral MS, by Dr. A. Brandeis. Part I. 10s. 116. An Old-English Martyrology, re-edited by Dr. G. Herzfeld. 10s. 117. Minor Poems of the Vernon MS., edited by Dr. F. J. Furnivall. Part II. 158. 118. The Lay Folks' Cateohism, ed. by Canon Simmons and Rev. H. E. Nolloth, M.A. 5s. V 119. Robert of Brunne's Handlyng Synne (1303), and its French original, re-ed. by Dr. Furnivall. Pt. I. 10s. , 120. The Rule of St. Benet, in Northern Prose and Verse, & Caxton's Summary,'ed. Dr. E. A. Kock. 158. 1902 V121. The Leud MS. Troy-Book, ed. from the unique Laud MS. 595, by Dr. J. E. Wüling. Part I. 158. 22. The Laud MS, Troy-Book, ed. from the unique Laud MS. 595, by Dr. J. E. Wulfing. Part II. 20s. 1903 V123. Robert of Brunne's Handlyng Synne (1303), and its French original, re-ed. by Dr. Furnivall, Pt. II. 108. .. 124. Twenty-six Political and other Poems from Digby MS. 102 &c., ed. by Dr. J. Kail. Part I. 10s. 125. Medieval Reoords of a London City Church, ed. Henry Littlehales. Pt. I. 20s. 26. An Alphabet of Tales, in Northern English from Latin, ed. Mrs. M. M. Banks. Part I, 108. A27. 1900 1901 v 1904 1905


The Publications for 1867-1901 (one guinea each year) are:—

I. William of Palerne; or, William and the Werwolf. Re-edited by Rev. W. W. Skeat, M.A. 13s. II. Barly English Pronunciation with especial Reference to Shakspere and Chaucer, by A. J. Ellis, F.R.S. Part I. 10s. III. Caxton's Book of Curtesye, in Three Versions. Ed. F. J. Furnivall. 5s. IV. Havelok the Dane. Re-edited by the Rev. W. W. Skeat, M. A. 10s. V. Ohancer's Boethius. Edited from the two best MSS, by Rev. Dr. R. Morris 12s. VI. Chevelere Assigne. Re-edited from the unique MS. by Lord Aldenham, M.A. Ss. VII. Early English Pronunciation, by A. J, Ellis, F.R.S. Part II. 10s. VIII, Queene Elizabethes Achademy, &o. Ed. F. J. Furnivall. Essays on early Italian and German Books of Courtesy, by W. M. Rossetti and Dr. E, Oswald, 138. 1867 1868 1869 and IX. Awdeley's Fraternitye of Vaoabondes, Harman's Caveat, &o, Ed, E. Viles & F. J. Furnivall. 7s. 6d, X. Andrew Boorde's Introduction of Knowledge, 1547, Dyetary of Holth, 1542, Barnes in Defence of the Berde, 1542-3. Ed. F. J. Furnivall. 188. XI. Barbour' XII. England in Henry VIII.'s Time : a Dialogue between Cardinal Pole & Lupset, by Thom. Starkey, Chaplain to Henry VIII. Ed. J. M. Cowper. Part II. 128. (Part I. is No. XXXII, 1878, 8s.) XIII. A cation to our Moste Soueraigne Lorde; A Supplication of the Poore Commons ; and The Decaye of England by the Great Multitude of Sheep, ed. by J. M. Cowper, Esq. 68. XIV. Barly English Pronunciation, by A. J. Ellis, Esq., F.R.S. Part III. 10s. XV. Robert Crowley's Thirty-One Epigrams, Voyce of the Last Trumpet, Way to Wealth, &o., a.D. 1550-1, edited by J. M. Cowper, Esq. 12s. XVI. Chauoer's Treatise on the Astrolabe. Ed. Rev. W. W. Skeat, M.A. 6. XVII. The Complaynt of Sootlande, 1549 A.D., with 4 Tracts (1542-48), ed. Dr. Murray. Part I. 10s. 1870 's Bruoe, Part I. Ed. from MSS. and editions, by Rev. W. W. Skeat, M. A. 124, 1871 Supplicacyon of the Beggers, by Simon Fish, 1528-9 A.D., ed. F. J. Furnivall; with A Suppli- 1872 XVIII. The XIX. Oure Ladyes Myroure, A.D. 1530, ed. Rev. J. H. Blunt, M.A. 248. XX. Lovelich's History of the Holy Grail (ab. 1450 A.D.), ed. F. J. Furnivall, M. A., Ph. D. Part I. 86 XXI. Barbour's Bruce, Part II., ed. Rev. W. W. Skeat, M,A. 48. XXII. Henry Brinklow's Complaynt of Roderyck Mors (ab. 1542): and The Lamentacion of a Christian against the Citie of London, made by Roderigo Mors, A.D. 1545. Ed. J. M. Cowper. 9s. XXIII. Early English Pronunoiation, by A. J. Ellis, F.R.S. Part IV. 10s. XXIV. Lovelich's History of the Holy Grail, ed. F. J. Furnivall, M.A., Ph.D. PartII. 10s. XXV. Guy of Warwick, 15th-century Version, ed. Prof. Zupitza. Part I. 20s. XXVI. Guy of Warwiok, 15th-century Version, ed. Prof. Zupitza. Part II. 148. XXVII. Bp. Fisher's English Works (died 1535). ed. by Prof. J. E. B. Mayor. Part I, the Text. 168. XXVIII. Lovelioh's Holy Grail, ed. F. J. Furnivall, M. A., Ph. D. Part III. 10s. XXIX. Barbour's Bruce. Part III., ed. Rev. W. W. Skeat, M. A. 218. XXX. Lovelich's Holy Grail, ed. F. J. Furnivall, M. A., Ph. D. Part IV. 158. XXXI. The Alliterative Romanoe of Alexander and Dindimus, ed. Rev. W. W. Skeat. 68. XXXII. Starkey's"England in Henry VIII's time." Pt. I. Starkey's Life and Letters, ed. S. J. Herrtage. 88. XXXIII. Gesta Romanorum (englisht ab. 1440), ed. S. J. Herrtage, B.A. 15s. XXXIV. The Charlemagne Romances :-1. Sir Ferumbras, from Ashın. MS. 33, ed. 8. J. Herrtage. 15s. XXXV, Charlemagne Romances :-2. The Sege off Melayne, Sir Otuell, &c., ed. S. J. XXXVI. Charlemagne Romanoes:-3. Lyf of Charles the Grete, Pt. I., ed. S. J. Herrtage. 16s. XXXVII. Charlemagne Romances :4. Lyf of Charles the Grete, Pt. II., ei. S. J. Herrtage. 158. XXXVIII. Charlemagne Romanoes :-5. The Sowdone of Babylone, ed. Dr. Hausknecht. 158. XXXIX. Charlemagne Romanoes:-6. Rauf Colyear, Roland, Otuel, &c., ed. 8. J. Herrtage, B.A. 15e. XL. Charlemagne Romances:-7. Huon of Burdeux, by Lord Berners, ed. S. L. Lee, B. A. Part I. 15s. XLI. Oharlemagne Romanoes:-8. Huon of Burdeux, by Lord Berners, ed. S. L. Lee, B.A. Pt. II. 15, 1883 XLII. Guy of Warwick: 2 texts (Auchinleck MS. and Caius MS.), ed. Prof. Zupitza. Part I. 15s. XLIII. Charlemagne Romances:-9. Huon of Burdeux, by Lord Berners, ed. S. L. Lee, B. A. Pt. III. 15s. 1884 Complaynt of Sootlande, 1549 A.D., ed. Dr. Murray. Part II. 8s. 1878 1874 Citie 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 Herrtage. 124. 1880 1881 1882