Page:English translation of the Surya Siddhanta and the Siddhanta Siromani by Sastri, 1861.djvu/24

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Translation of the

point at the ecliptic). This deflection is called Vikshepa (celestial latitude).

7. The Deity node draws the planet to the north or to the south (from the ecliptic) according as the node is west or east of the planet at a distance less than six signs.

8. (But in respect of Mercury and Venus) when their Pátas (or nodes) are in the same direction at the same distance (as mentioned in the preceding Sloka) from their S'íghrochchas, they deflect in the same manner (as mentioned before) by the attractions of their S'íghrochchas.

9. The attraction of the Sun (by its apogee) is very small by reason of the bulkiness of its body, but that of the Moon is greater than that of the Sun, on account of the smallness of the Moon’s body.

10. As the bodies of the (five) minor planets. Mars, &c. are very small, they are attracted by the Deities S'íghrochcha and Mandochcha very violently.

11. And for this reason, the additive or subtractive equation of tbe minor planets caused by their movement (which is pro¬ duced by the attraction by their Uchchas) is very great. Thus, the minor planets, being attracted by their S'íghrochcha and Mandochcha and carried by the wind Pravaha, move in the heavens.

Kinds of motion.12. (And therefore) the motion of the planets is of eight kinds, i. e.

  1. Vakrá (decreasing retrograde motion).
  2. Ativakrá (increasing retrograde motion).
  3. ViKALÁ (stationary).
  4. Mandá (increasing direct motion less than the mean


  1. Mandatará (decreasing direct motion less than the

mean motion).

  1. Samá (mean motion).
  2. S'íghratara or Atis'íghrá (increasing direct motion

greater than the mean motion).