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394 ORIGINAL PAPAL BULLS AND BRIEFS July been numbered consecutively. The list is to be regarded merely as a summary guide to the material contained in the depart- ment, not in any real sense as a catalogue, with the apparatus which a catalogue should have. The arrangement of the single entries is as follows : after the serial number is given the date, expressed in modern fashion, not by ides and kalends and the years of the pontificate. In the case of privileges, which have the full dating clause, the name and titles of the official dating the document are given. Next comes a description of the document, expressed as briefly as is consistent with in- dicating its subject. In these descriptions the place-names, when they can be identified, are written in their modern forms, not in those which occur in the manuscripts ; the practice with regard to personal names varies. Next are given details serving to indicate the character of the document ; whether ' privilege ', ' intermediate bull ', ' letter of grace ', or ' letter of justice '. Thus, First line means that the whole first line is written in the enlarged minuscules characteristic of privileges or inter- mediate bulls ; Lucius (e.g.), that only the pope's name is so written ; Lucius (e. g.), that the pope's name is written in ordinary script. In the case of privileges, the presence of rota, monogram, subscriptions, and solemn formula In perpetuum is notified ; in that of intermediate bulls the formula (e.g.) Ad futuram rei memoriam. If the bulla is preserved this fact is stated, with the further indication whether it is attached by silk threads (letters of grace) or string (letters of justice). ' Silk threads ' (or ' string ') ' of bulla ' means that the bulla is lost but some part of the threads remains ; ' Holes (2) for threads of bulla ', that the holes (or slits) through which the threads were passed

  • are preserved ; ' Bulla lost ', that by the cutting of the lower

margin of the vellum (as in the bulls preserved in the Cottonian library under the number Aug. ii) the holes and all traces of the attachment of the bulla have disappeared. It should be added that in the case of briefs, which conform to a fixed pattern, such indications as those given for bulls have not been thought necessary ; but the presence or absence of the Anulus Piscatoris is indicated. In all cases the enclosure of any word or words between square brackets signifies thfet the details in question are either lost or not given in the document itself and have been supplied by me. After the information concerning the bulla is given the initium, consisting always of the first three words after the greet- ing. Next are given any references to publications or descriptions of the bull. Down to the end of the pontificate of Benedict XI it is possible to refer, first, to'P. Jaffe, Regesta Pontificum Romano- rum (2nd ed., 1885), and, later, to A. Pott hast 's continuation under the same title (1874) ; and it seemed unnecessary to refer