Page:Enquiry into plants (Volume 1).pdf/183

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oxen, and sixth that of beasts of burden.[1] Litter manure is of different kinds and is applied in various ways: some kinds are weaker, some stronger.

Spade-work is held to be beneficial to all trees, and also hoeing for the smaller ones, as they then become more vigorous. Even dust[2] is thought to fertilise some things and make them flourish, for instance the grape; wherefore they often put dust to the roots of the vine. Some also dig in dust about the figs in places where it is deficient.[3] In Megara, when the etesian winds are past, they cover the cucumber and gourd plants with dust by raking, and so make the fruits sweeter and tenderer by not watering. On this point there is general agreement. But some say that dust should not be put to the vine,[4] and that it should not be meddled with at all when the grape is turning, or, if at all, only when it has turned black. Some again say that even then nothing should be done except to pluck up the weeds. So on this point there is a difference of opinion.

[5]If a tree does not bear fruit but inclines to a leafy growth, they split that part of the stem which is underground and insert a stone corresponding[6] to the crack thus made, and then, they say, it will bear. The same result follows, if one cuts off some of the roots, and accordingly they thus treat the surface roots of the vine when it runs to leaf. In the case of figs, in addition to root-pruning,[7] they also sprinkle ashes about the tree, and make gashes in the stems, and then, they say, it bears better. [8]Into the almond tree they drive an iron peg, and, having thus made

  1. Lit. 'bushy tails,' i.e. horses asses mules.
  2. cf. C.P. 3. 16. 3.
  3. δεῖ ins. H; so apparently G read.
  4. δεῖν ὑποκονίειν οὐδ᾽ ὅλως conj. W. (so Sch., but keeping [] after δεῖν); δεῖν ἢ ὑποκινιεῖν οὐδ᾽ ὅλως UMV; δεῖν ἢ ὑποκονιεῖν ἢ ὅλως Ald.
  5. Plin. 17. 253 and 254.
  6. ὄπως ἂν ῥαγῇ Ald.: so G; ? ὅπου; ὅπως ὰνεώγῃ conj. W. cf. Geop. 5. 35.
  7. Plin. l.c.
  8. cf. 2. 2. 11; C.P. 1. 17. 10; 2. 14. 1; Plin. 7. 253.