Page:Enquiry into plants (Volume 1).pdf/215

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along with the cultivated forms, as andrachne and hybrid arbutus; and the wild pear is a little later than the cultivated. Some again bud both before zephyr begins to blow, and immediately after it has been blowing. Before it come cornelian cherry and cornel, after it bay and alder; a little before the spring equinox come lime zygia Valonia oak fig. Hazel[1] oak and elder are also early in budding, and still more those trees which seem to have no fruit and to grow in groves,[2] abele elm willow black poplar; and the plane is a little later than these. The others which bud when the spring is, as it were, becoming established,[3] are such as wild fig alaternus cotoneaster Christ's thorn terebinth hazel[4] chestnut. The apple is late in budding, latest of all generally are ipsos[5] (cork-oak) aria (holm-oak) tetragonia odorous cedar yew. Such are the times of budding.

The flowering times in general follow in proportion: but they present some irregularity, and so in still more cases and to a greater extent do the times at which the fruit is matured. The cornelian cherry produces its fruit about the summer solstice; the early kind, that is to say, and this tree is about the earliest of all.[6] The late form, which some call 'female cornelian cherry' (cornel), fruits quite at the end of autumn. The fruit of this kind is inedible and its wood is weak and spongy; that is what the difference between the two kinds amounts to. The terebinth produces its fruit about the time of wheat-harvest or

  1. See below, n. 4.
  2. τὰ ἀκ. δοκ. καὶ ἀλσ. conj. W.; τὰ ἀκ. καὶ δοκ. καὶ ἀλσ. UMP; τὰ ἀκ. τὰ δοκ. ἀλσ. Ald.
  3. ὥσπερ apologises for the unusual sense given to ἐνιστ (usually 'beginning'), conj. W.; U; MAld.H.
  4. καρύα can hardly be right both here and above.
  5. See Index.
  6. σχεδὸν ὥσπερ πρῶτον not in G, nor in Plin. (16. 105); text perhaps defective.