Page:Enterprise and Adventure.djvu/134

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having arrived at Laritzen, embarked from that town on the river Volga for the Caspian. At Yerkie they embarked in the "Empress of Russia." the first complete ship ever seen on that great inland sea. Arrived safely at Astrabad, on the further shore of the Caspian, an accident had nearly destroyed their vessel and cargo. The inhabitants having set fire to the rushes on the shore to destroy the insects which breed in them, the flames extended to the woods, and the wind feeding the flame, made a dreadful blaze, which extended for several miles, and by the intense heat caused all grease and tar aboard the vessel to run like oil. His merchandise was now placed in a caravan, and upon the backs of camels and horses, but before he had left the town an insurrection broke out among the people. The city was besieged, and the cowardly governor who befriended him fled in the disguise of a peasant. Hanway's attendants advised him also to disguise himself in a Persian habit, and escape from the city; but as he was at a distance from the bay, and knew well that if he could reach it the ship would probably have sailed, he determined to remain in his own character. The rebels took possession of the city, and seized the stranger's merchandise; Hanway, however, retaining a bag of gold coin, which he contrived to conceal. With this he soon afterwards found means of leaving the city with his attendants. Their journey now lay for some time through pathless woods, over ditches and hills, the wanderers taking care to keep the least frequented way, and sleeping at night in the open fields. A guide whom they had bribed refused to take them to Balfrush, the city which Hanway desired to reach, and finally left him and his companions at a