Page:Enterprise and Adventure.djvu/159

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view he expired with great calmness at the early age of thirty-one. The Indian government, desirous of doing honour to the memory of a man so distinguished by his talents and private virtues, ordered a magnificent funeral, at which all the civil and military authorities attended; and the body of Jacquemont was interred with military honours.


In the year 1836, three Persian princes set out for their travels in western countries. Their names, somewhat difficult for Englishmen to pronounce, and still more difficult to remember, were Reeza Meerza, Najaf Meerza, and Taymour Meerza. On their return, a year or two later, they printed, for private circulation, a journal descriptive of their voyage and residence in England, and of their return to Bagdad; and this work was subsequently translated into English by an interpreter in their suite named Kayat. Curious in its observations of western life from an oriental point of view, this book affords an amusing instance of the errors and exaggerations into which travellers imperfectly acquainted with the language of the country are apt to fall, and which may be fairly assumed to be not altogether without parallel in the narratives written by European writers of their travels in the east.

The three princes gravely informed their Persian readers that from the time they left Falmouth until