Page:Enterprise and Adventure.djvu/221

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ragged and torn, and his bow, though of good wood, was without any ornament or polish. His face was extremely meagre, his looks forbidding, and his whole appearance neglected. His long black hair hung from his head in matted confusion; nor had his body, to all appearance, ever been painted. They gave him some cassava bread and boiled fish, which he ate voraciously, and soon after left the hut. As he went out, they could observe no traces in his countenance or demeanour which indicated that he was in the least mindful of having been benefited by the society he was just leaving. The Indians said that he had neither wife, nor child, nor friend. They had often tried to persuade him to come and live amongst them; but all was of no avail. He went roving on, plundering the wild bees of their honey and picking up the fallen nuts and fruits of the forest. When he fell in with game, he procured fire from two sticks, and cooked it on the spot. When a hut happened to be in his way, he stepped in, and asked for something to eat, and then months elapsed ere they saw him again. They did not know, they said, what had caused him to be thus unsettled, he had been so for years; nor did they believe that even age itself, would change the habits of this poor, harmless, solitary wanderer.

Continuing his journey, falls and rapids on the river increased the difficulties of the navigation; and coming soon afterwards to the higher lands, Waterton was enabled to pursue his way through the forest on foot; sleeping at night in a hammock slung to the trees, and by days depending for food upon the game with which the forests abounded. He had always entertained the belief, that