Page:Enterprise and Adventure.djvu/240

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they were aimed to keep the Indians from following me into the water, which they did not attempt. My strength was fast failing me; the man at the helm, perceiving it, stretched out a rifle at arm's length. The muzzle dropped into the water, and arrested my feeble vision. Summoning all my remaining energy, I grasped it, and was drawn towards the boat; a sense of relief shot through and revived me, but revived also such a dread lest the Indians should give chase, that I begged them to pull away, telling them I could hold on."

After a little while, his deliverers were enabled to drag him into the boat, and safely convey him to the opposite shore. They proved to be a party of Englishmen who had settled on the island for the purpose of obtaining large quantities of guano which they had discovered there. After hospitably entertaining him for some months, during which they were in daily expectation of a hostile expedition against them from the giants, he was fortunate enough to obtain a passage to his native country, in the "Washington," a whaling vessel from the Falkland Islands.


An interesting story is related by Mr. Farnham in his travels in the Rocky Mountains, of a trapper of martens and beavers who travelled alone far up the river Missouri until he discovered a valley so picturesque and beautiful,