Page:Enterprise and Adventure.djvu/246

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their fate seemed inevitable. The light-coloured man, previously seen, now appeared to direct their movements. He sprang forward to a rock not more than thirty yards from them, and posting himself behind it, threw a spear with such deadly force and aim, that had Grey not drawn himself forward by a sudden jerk, it must have gone through his body, and, as it was, it touched his back. Another well directed spear, from a different hand, would have pierced him in the breast, but, in the motion he made to avoid it, it struck upon the stock of his gun, of which it carried away a portion.

All this took place in a few seconds of time. The party recognized in the light- coloured man an old enemy who had led on the former attack against them. By cries and gestures, this man now appeared to be urging the others to surround and press on them, which they were rapidly doing. Grey saw now that but one thing could be done to save their lives, so he gave Coles his gun to complete the reloading, and took the rifle which he had not yet disengaged from the cover. He tore it off, and stepping out from behind the parapet, advanced to the rock which covered his light-coloured opponent. He had not made two steps in advance, when three spears struck him nearly at the same moment, one of which was thrown by him. He felt severely wounded in the hip, but knew not exactly where the others had struck him. The force of all knocked him down, and made him very giddy and faint, but, as he fell, he heard the savage yells of the natives' delight and triumph; these happily recalled him to himself, and, roused by momentary rage and indignation, he made a strong effort, rallied, and in a moment was on his legs; the spear was