Page:Enterprise and Adventure.djvu/40

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and it became impossible to stand. Soon afterwards, a dense cloud was seen to arise out of the crater, and almost at the same moment the electrical effect upon the air was so great, that the lightning began to flash and the thunder to roar in the heavens. Meanwhile, the cloud continued to rise and spread abroad, until the whole region was enveloped, and the light of day was entirely excluded. The darkness was the more terrific, being made visible by an awful glare from streams of red and blue light, that issued from the pit. Soon followed an immense volume of sand and cinders, which came down in a destructive shower for many miles around. Some persons of the forward company were burned to death by the sand and the cinders, and others were seriously injured. All experienced a suffocating sensation upon the lungs, and hastened on with all possible speed. The rear body, which was nearest the volcano at the time of the eruption, seemed to suffer the least injury, and after the earthquake and shower of sand had passed over, hastened forward to escape the dangers which threatened them, and rejoicing in mutual congratulations that they had been preserved in the midst of such imminent peril. But what was their surprise and consternation when, on coming up with their friends of the centre party, they discovered them all to have become corpses. Some were lying down, and others were sitting upright, clasping with dying grasp their wives and children, and joining noses (their form of expressing affection), as in the act of taking leave. So much like life they looked, that they first supposed them merely at rest, and it was not until they had come up to them and handled them, that they