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may be the individual who may have his life or liberty in his hands. And thus, my friend, Almighty Providence appears to weave together all his creatures in a mutual kindly dependence, so that none may say, 'I can have no need of you.'" The little fishing-boat conveyed its freight safely to the side of a British man-of-war, the "Argo" frigate, which joyfully took him aboard, and without loss of time brought him to England, where the return from his perilous adventures, of this great favourite of the people, was welcomed with almost a national rejoicing.


One of the most interesting episodes in the numerous narratives of voyages to the Polar regions, is that of the planting of the British flag on the spot of the North Magnetic Pole, in the spring of 1831. This ceremony was performed by Commander Ross during his second voyage, on which he left England in 1829. After a winter of extraordinary severity, during which the thermometer fell to ninety-two degrees below freezing point, a slight amelioration in the weather enabled Commander Ross to make a number of exploratory journeys, during which, by careful observations, he was enabled to determine the position of the pole as in lat. 70° 5' 17' N, and long. 96° 46' 45" W., being to the southward of Cape Nikolai, on the western shore of Boothia, a considerable distance from the spot up to that time assigned to it by