Page:Enterprise and Adventure.djvu/91

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forts, with thirty pieces of cannon, and burnt the shipping in the harbour. The crew of the dreaded privateer landed on St. Mary's Isle, which was the property of the Earl of Selkirk, and which contained that nobleman's seat. Here Paul Jones hoped to seize the person of the Earl, and intended carrying him to France or to America as a hostage for the better treatment of American captives. Lord Selkirk, however, was absent, and the expedition embarked, but not without carrying away the family plate—a fact of which Jones was unaware until the expedition had put to sea. Lady Selkirk had been alone in the mansion when the attack was made, and Jones, scorning to play the part of a common pirate, wrote to her immediately after his return to France, informing her that her house had been plundered without his knowledge, and that he would send back her plate at his own expense—a promise which he faithfully performed. His letter then entered into a statement of his motives and feelings, which appears to have been strongly characteristic of the writer. "Though," he says, "I have drawn my sword in the present generous struggle for the rights of men, yet I am not in arms as an American, nor am I in pursuit of riches. I profess myself a citizen of the world, totally unfettered by the little mean distinctions of climate or of country, which diminish the benevolence of the heart, and set bounds to philanthropy. Before this war began, I had, at an early time of life, withdrawn from the sea service in favour of 'calm contemplation and poetic ease.' I have sacrificed not only my favourite scheme of life, but the softer affections of the heart and my prospects of domestic happiness, and am ready to sacrifice my life also with cheer-