Page:Entertaining history of the early years of General Bonaparte (1).pdf/21

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It is true Barras. a powerful friend, ſeconded his perſonal merit, and facilitated his entry into that career in which he has equalled the moſt celebrated heroes.

In 1790, Bonaparte accompanied to Corſica General Paoli who had made ſome ſtay at Paris. During the three years that he remained with his family, he employed the whole of his time in improving himſelf ſtill more in the theory of military ſcience; but the diſſurbances which aroſe in that iſland in 1793. after the accuſation brought againſt Paoli by the Convention, determined him to return to France.-He perſuaded his parents to accompany him, and the family ſettled near Toulon. - The ſiege of that town, then occupied by the Engliſh, having taken place ſoon after Bonaparte was promoted by Barras and the other Commiſſioners, to the rank of General of the artillery: It was there he gave the firſt proofs of his military genius. Intruſted to direct the attack of the redoubts and outworks which formed the defence of the place, his bold and enterpriſing genius deviſed a plan which one would have thought impracticable, if the courage, of which he ſet the example, and knew ſo well how to communicate to his army, had not taught us that he was not leſs capable to execute than to project.