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Bonaparte, of a family originally Italian, was born in the year 1769, at Calvi, a little town of Corſica, of parents noble but poor; his god - father, the celebrated Paoli, gave him at the font the name of Napoleone- Madame de Bonaparte, his mother, (handſome, as they ſay), had attracted the attention of the Count de Marboeuf, named by Louis XV: Sto the government of Corſica; and it is to him that malice aſcribes the honour of the hero's birth. Should this be true it would give force to the world's wild opinion, which inclines to bellow on children, the offspring of unlawful love, a more decided and manly character. However that may be, the Court de Marboe if had given many teſtimonies of friendship and good will towards the family of Bonaparte; and had particularly taken on himſelf the care of the young man, whom he had a long time aſſiſted with his credit and his purie. In 1778, the Count had deſigned to lend his young Protege Franee, with the view if giving him an education ſuitable to his birth, and neceſſary to his future eſtabliſhment.

France, under the ancient government, and; more particularly, under the reign of Louis XV and of Louis XVI. had formed eſtabliſhments for the education of gentlemen of ſmall fortune; and the munificence of the King had ſpared nothing to render them, at the ſame time, uſeful and agreeable