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desire of instruction and occupation very soon became in him a real passion ; but latent genius already directed his choice the study of those branches of knowledge, which were afterwards to become the in- struments of his glory. Mathematics, for-, tification the attack and defence of places, but above all the study of history occupied all his time To these studies he gave himself up without relaxation; and have no doubt but his enthusiasm originated in his favourite reading of the Jives of great and illustrious men whom he had, from the beginning, proposed to himself as proper models No one was able to judge better than myself of the uncommon avidity with which he pursued his readings; and the great connections which ,he had together on that head were doubtless, what con- tributed to fix my attention upon him in so particular a manner-- to explain that more clearly, it is necessary to mention an establishment which had taken place in the military School of Brienne. during the residence of Bonaparte, which was the foundation of a liberty entirely under the direction of the young men, and destined to their pleasure and instruction.

But to give us proper notions of ar- rangement, our superiors proposed to leave the distribution of the books and the admi- nistration of the funds, .dedicated to the sup-