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"A Case of Eavesdropping," 252
Abbott, Dr. Lyman, sermons on the theology of an Evolutionist, 292 et seq.
tribute to N.Y. Times report of his sermons, 294
Aberdeen, Lord, Governor-General of Canada, 66
Advertising extraordinary, 105
Ahlwardt, Rector, anti-semitism of, 229
his meeting at Cooper Union
Hall, 229 et seq.
Alden, Mr., and A. H. Louis, 271
Amityville, a quasi lunatic asylum at, 226
Anti-semitic campaign in New York, 229 et seq.
Apples, dried, and hot water, as hunger-appeaser, 111
Arson, frequency of, among Jews, 106

Barnum and Bailey's Circus, a banquet at, 226
Beattie, Mr., Boyde and, 206
Beauchamp, Montague, 23
Belloc, Hilaire, an article by, based on author's book, 224
Bennett, Sterndale, A. H. Louis a pupil of, 269
Benson, Archbishop, A. H. Louis's memories of, 268
Bernhardt, Sarah, interview with, 106
Bernstein, Mrs., a long-outstanding account with, settled, 213
and her third floor back, 80
reduces rent--and why, 85
removes to another house, 209
"Bhagavad Gita," the, world-scripture of, 32
Bingham, Billy, former proprietor of the Hub, 17, 39 et seq.
Black Forest, schooldays in the, 24
Blackwood, Algernon, a childish recollection of his mother, 259
a poem in The Week by, 38
an earl's visit to Sun office, 230
an interlude of play-acting, 255 et seq.
and Boyde: a scene, 161 et seq.
and the Hub hotel, 14, 16 et seq., 39 et seq.
as reporter in the Tombs, 99 et seq.
as story-teller, 222
as violinist, 5, 46, 75, 83, 87, 107, 168, 180
assigns his interest in the Hub, 61
attends a ball at Government House, 66
becomes a partner in an eau de Cologne business, 273, 274
beginning of friendship with Alfred H. Louis, 266
credited with powers of Black Magic, 77
"cribs" from an intoxicated reporter, 108
death of his father, 35, 231
"detachment" method of, 51, 227, 228
disagreement with Dr. Huebner, 156
discovers Boyde's forgery, 132
dissolves partnership with Cooper, 14
Edinburgh University course of, 14, 51
eighteen months on staff of New York Times, 288 et seq.
essays magazine writing, 84
evangelical upbringing of, 20, 23, 27, 71
examined on a charge of arson, 286
first experience of morphine, 178