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So, Sweet, let me set seal upon your mouth
And lie within your arms' encircling fold,
Gaze in your eyes, and in their depth behold
Twin starry loves whilst all the balmy South

Gives up her richest spices in your breath,
When heart tumultuously doth beat on heart,
The while our spirits mingle ne'er to part
Wholly again, though earthly ties by Death

Are severed, 'tis but for a time, and then
Our spirits will commingle and commune,
Each with the other strung to Love's one tune
And the sweet memories of what has been.

For past and present still to us belong,
To you and I, dear Love, then wherefore waste
Thoughts on the unknown future, rather taste
The sweets of life and do not call it wrong

To be too happy. Let us therefore cast
An offering to the Gods like those of eld
Strove to appease the Deity who held
The compensating balances. And last,

When this life's cup is drunken to the lees,
Leaving its after-taste upon your tongue,
You yet will kiss my lips with lips unwrung
By bitterness regretful. On my knees
