Page:Essays Upon The Making Of Salt-Petre And Gun-Powder.pdf/31

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[ 31 ] larly in Philadelphia and the town of York. It is simple, and may be practiced in families without any additional expence of fuel, or even of labour, as it only requires the over sight of any person in the evening, after the work of the day is concluded. The process is described with such exactness, the Committee have reason to think few or none will fail in the undertaking, but if that should sometimes be the case, in the first attempt, from too little attention to the direction given, a second would doubtless succeed. The Assembly of this province have granted a premium of 25 l. per hundred weight, which is 5 s. per pound, for all Salt-petre made in this province, and thrown into the public magazines; and the Committee of Safety, through whole hands the premium is to pass, do hereby, for the next three months, leave it in the option of the makers of this article to receive one fourth of the weight thereof in gun-powder, to be delivered to the several persons appointed to take in the Salt-petre in the different counties within this province, the names of whom will be published soon. The Committee need not remark to any intelligent and sensible man, in the province, the indispensable necessity there is, of instantly providing ourselves with a large quantity of Gun-powder, when the quarrel between the mother country and the colonies is drawing to a hasty decision by arms, when the Ministry threaten to overwhelm us the ensuing year, with numerous mercenary soldiers, brought even from the most distant and barbarous nation in Europe; at a time too, when from the wicked vigilance and industry of this Ministry, every