Page:Essays Upon The Making Of Salt-Petre And Gun-Powder.pdf/36

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[ 36 ] N. B. The lye which remains is called Mo- ther of Nitre, and is to be put by and boiled up with the second lye of the next process, when it comes from the ashes. As these experiments were made to promote the public good, it is hoped the several Printers will give them places as soon as they can.

               An EXCELLENT METHOD of making

HAving for many months been sensibly affected with the great disadvantage the co- lonies labour under for want of ammunition, I thought it my duty to apply myself to the attain- ment of those necessary arts of making Salt-petre, and Gun-powder; and having far exceeded my expectations in both manufactures, I think myself still farther obliged to communicate the so much needed knowledge to my country at large. My first trial was on Salt-petre, two pounds of which my son has extracted from six bushels of stable dirt, perfectly fit for making Gun-powder. This was done by the method of Dr. Young and Mr. Rubsaman, lately published by the former, for which, and many other useful informations, I take this opportunity to return those gentlemen my public thanks.
