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Charles L. U^chster <s^ Co. Under Summer Skies. — By Clinton Scollard. A poet's itinerary. Professor Scollard relates, in bis charm- ing literary style, the episodes of a rambling tour through Egypt, Palestine, Italy, and the Alps. The text is interspersed with poetical interludes, suggested by passing events and scenes. Coming nearer home, visits to Arizona and the Bermudas are described in separate chapters. The volume is attractively illus- trated by Margaret Landers Randolph, and is most suit- able as a traveling companion or as a picture of lands beyond the reach of the reader. Cloth, 8vo, fl.OO. (In Preparation.) Autobiographia. — By Walt Whitman. Edited by Arthur Stedman. The story of Whitman's life, told in his own words. These selected passages from Whit- man's prose works, chosen with his approbation, are so arranged as to give a consecutive account of the old poet's career in his own picturesque language. Uniform with the new edition of Walt Whitman's "Selected Poems." ("Fiction, Fact, and Fancy Series.") Cloth, 12mo, 75 cents. Life of Jane Welsh Carlyle. — By Mrs. Alexander Ireland. A remarkable biography of a wonderful woman, written and compiled by one in thorough sym- pathy with her subject, from material made public for the first time. The poAverful side-light it throws upon the life and character of Thomas Carlyle will make the volume indispensable to all who venerate the genius, or are interested in the personality, of the Sage of Chelsea. Vellum, cloth (half bound), 8vo, $1.75. Essays in Miniature.— By Agnes Repplier, author of "Points of View," etc. A new volume of this brilliant essayist's writings, in which she discourses wittily and wisely on a number of pertinent topics. No new essayist of recent years has been received with such hearty commendation in this country or England. ("Fiction, Fact, and Fancy Series.") Cloth, 12mo, 75 cents. (In Press.)