Page:Essays of Francis Bacon 1908 Scott.djvu/217

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self. It is right[1] earth. For that only stands fast upon his own centre;[2] whereas all things that have affinity with the heavens, move upon the centre of another, which they benefit. The referring of all to a man's self is more tolerable in a sovereign prince; because themselves are not only themselves, but their good and evil is at the peril of the public fortune. But it is a desperate evil in a servant to a prince, or a citizen in a republic. For whatsoever affairs pass such a man's hands, he crooketh[3] them to his own ends; which must needs be often eccentric to the ends of his master or state. Therefore let princes, or states, choose such servants as have not this mark; except they mean their service should be made but the accessary.[4] That which maketh the effect more pernicious is that all proportion is lost. It were disproportion enough for the servant's good to be preferred before the master's; but yet it is a greater extreme, when a little good of the servant shall carry things against a great good of the master's. And yet that is the case of bad officers, treasurers, ambassadors, generals, and other false and corrupt servants; which set a bias[5] upon their bowl, of their own petty ends and envies, to the overthrow of their master's great and important affairs. And for the most part, the good such

  1. Right. True, genuine, actual, real. "The Poet is indeed the right Popular Philosopher. Whereof Esops tales give good proofe." Sir Philip Sidney. The Defense of Poesie. p. 18.
  2. Bacon accepted the Ptolemaic system, which made the earth the centre of the universe. The Copernican system was not generally received until long after his time.
  3. Crook. To bend or turn out of the straight course; to pervert.
  4. Accessary, also spelled accessory.
  5. Bias. A weight in one side of the bowl, that is, 'ball,' which deflects it from the straight line.