Page:Essentials of music theory (1912).djvu/7

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THE primary object in the following pages is to supply the teacher and student with a text book to accompany the work on instrumental or vocal technic. Because of the great amount of time required to obtain proficient technic, text books are often neglected, and, if exhaustive, are usually ignored. Brevity and conciseness characterize this volume and it is planned to meet the needs of the busy teacher and student.

Many pupils may not see the importance of some of the following text, such as the research for theoretical keys; but the results thus obtained are nothing more than the natural outcome of simple mathematical reasoning, and are inevitable if the structure of the scales is understood. Pupils should be impressed with the structure of scales rather than be taught their keys and signatures by rote. Rote methods have little to recommend them in modern pedagogical ideals, and are used principally in teaching the young. The lack of knowledge of the whys and wherefores of scales, intervals, and chords among instrumentalists and singers is appalling, and is due partly to the neglect of text books and partly to incompetent teachers.

A further object of the text is to offer a course of preparation for the study of harmony, composition, and appreciation. Music Appreciation, as a cultural course of study, is growing in popularity and large enthusiastic classes in this subject are to be found in all our colleges. These students are frequently handicapped by poor preparation in the