Page:Etta Block - One-act plays from the Yiddish (1923).pdf/144

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When the Dew Falleth

he had fooled me. And the tears I shed that one week—wet the pillow through.

FAIGEN (to Ezra) And you made up?

EZRA Of course, had to. Took out ten gold rendlach—

I think ten—what do you say, Nachomah? NACHOMAH Of course, ten. EZRA Took out ten gold rendlach and put them into her cap. FAIGEN And did that mend matters any? EZRA Of course, in an instant. NACHOMAH Ha, ha, ha! They’re still before my eyes—those ten gold rendlach. SIMAH (enters) You must be tired. Let me, I’ll push the chair. (She takes the chair.) EZRA Careful, careful.

FAIGEN That’s just the way I like to be wheeled.

(She pushes the chair off briskly. Ezra and Nachomah follow. Asher steals out from behind the tree and looks dejectedly after the retreating Jigures. He goes after them and takes the chair from Simah. She runs back and hides in the

arbor, chuckling delightedly to herself.)