Page:Euripides (Mahaffy).djvu/158

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THE DEVELOPMENT OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. THE OLD ENGLISH PERIOD. By Brother AZARIAS, Professor of English Literature in Rock Hill College, Maryland. 1 vol., 12iiio. Cloth. Price, $1.25. "In some respects the author has written a text-book superior to any we know now in use. There are few writers so well prepared in what might be termed the technique of Old English history and literature. His chapter on the Kelt and Teuton is admirable."— New York Times. " The work will commend itself to notice for its concise and agreeable style, its logical method, and the philosophic and poetic, as well as historical, treatment of theme. The author is master of his subject."— Providence Journal. 44 The author has exhibited great skill in presenting to the reader a clear and correct view of the literature and condition of things in England at that remote age, and the work is one of special interest." — Boston Post. 44 A valuable text-book."— Boston Globe. 44 A work of remarkable interest."— Boston Evening Transcript. 44 A book of genuine literary interest and value."— Cleveland Herald. 44 Within its covers there is a wealth of erudition, research, and scholarly labor, which places the book beside those of Wright, Spalding, and Craik. The English of the writer is a model for clearness and point." — TJtica Daily Observer. 4 • One of the most thorough and best-arranged books on the subject that we have seen."— Troy Press. 44 The literature of England was born and growing ages before William of Normandy set foot in England. The work before us proves this. It shows the origin and sources of Old English Literature, the elements that entered into it, its ruling ideas and character, its gradual growth and development up to the Nor- man Conquest. It is a work of original and laborious research, containing not crude materials, but the mature results of careful, discriminating analysis and profound study and reflection."— The Catholic Standard. Sent by mail, post-paid, to any address in the United States, on receipt of price, D. APPLETON & CO., Publishers, 549 & 551 Bboadwat, New Yobk.