Page:Europe in China.djvu/497

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Colony, there was the King of Cambodja, who arrived (July 10, 1872) in the French Corvette Bourayne and was entertained by the Governor with royal honours. There was further H.I.H. the Grand Duke Alexis, third son of the Czar, who arrived (September 13, 1872) as an officer of the Russian Corvette Svetlana. He held a levée on board (September 16, 1872), followed by a reception given in his honour, on the same evening, at Government House, After a visit to Japan, he returned to Hongkong (January 15, 1873) and attended various entertainments given in his honour, visiting also the race-course on every race day (20th to 22nd February, 1873). Finally there were two German Princes, Philip and Augustus of Sachse-Coburg Gotha, cousins of Her Majesty, who stayed at Government House for some days (21st to 25th December, 1872) en route to Shanghai.

The constitution of the Colonial Government was amended during Sir Arthur's administration by the issue of Letters Patent (June 8, 1875) granting a Supplementary Charter, by which the administration of the Government, in the case of the Governor's death, incapacity or absence, was vested in the Lieutenant-Governor or Colonial Secretary for the time being. The same document enlarged also the Governor's power of granting pardons to criminals.

Sir Arthur continued the work of his predecessors in perfecting the organisation of the various Departments of the Civil Service. In the Colonial Secretary's Department he amalgamated the office of Auditor General with that of Colonial Secretary (December 10, 1872), a measure against which the Hon. Ph. Ryrie made a protest in Legislative Council, but, as the motion was left unsupported, it fell to the ground. Sir Arthur created also the post of Assistant Colonial Secretary (February 10, 1875), appointing Mr. A. Lister to the post, but when the latter was soon after removed to another office, this new post was not continued. The Supreme Court organization was modified during this period (Ordinance 12 of 1873). A code of civil procedure was established (Ordinance 13 of 1873)