Page:Every Woman's Encyclopedia Volume 1.djvu/844

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PETS 8l6 twice a day. This is for Scottish terriers ; lor other larger or smaller breeds the propor- tions are less or more. Note, the beef must be scraped, not minced, to avoid any fibre, which is indigestible at this age. Gradual additions of well-cooked tender meat or tripe can be made at this time. The pups should be fed five times a day when newly weaned. " Little and often " is the motto to observe, and this, together with warmth and cleanliness, is the secret of rearing good puppies. I see that each puppy has his owti dish, for otherwise the stronger usurp an undue share. All meals should be superintended. Food must not be given hot, but the chill should be taken off it; nothing more. To avoid diarrhoea, see that the dishes are quite clean, and that the food is never " sloppy " or watery. You will have, too, cleaner mannered puppies if this counsel is followed. Exercise and Qrooming The value of your dog, physically, depends upon the first six months of his life. At three months, four meals a day are enough ; at four months, three ; and at eight months and upwards, two. As regards quantity, the safe rule is as much as the puppy will cat heartily. Vary the food as much as is possible, thus, puppy biscuit, broken small, with a little gravy, well-boiled rice (the rice must be absolutely soft), stale brown bread, hound meal, and tablespoonful of the scraped raw beef. This last I find best to give before bedtime. A large bone is a good toothbrush, as also, later on, are dry biscuits. Access to oft-renewed drinking water is essential. So much depends upon the rondition of the mouth, that I see that my dogs' teeth are kept clean, and if necessary brush them or remove any tartar. Of course, a puppy does not need this attention. Plenty of exercise is essential for your puppy. This he takes when first born by means of those curious twitchings which often alarm the novice ! Later, he should have all the hberty possible, and a " toy," -of a safe nature. Nothing that will sphnter. such as chicken bones — always bad for dogs of all ages— but a big bone or a rag dolly, for instance. Or a proper dog-ball, though this last is expensive. Whatever his breed, groom him carefully a Toy with a special hair-brush, larger and rougher dogs with a dandy-brush, which can be had from any saddler. Wash him at this early age not at all, unless unavoidable the grooming is better and far safer. If he should be troubled with unwelcome visitors a httle disinfectant can be applied with a sponge, but be sure to avoid chills. Training It is never too soon to begin his house w^JrM^l ^"^ ^"^ ^""^ "'^^^ patience and watchfulness is necessary. Lift him as !nH^ ^,P?ssible from his bed in the morning and put him outside. Praise him for all attempts at manners, but up to the age of five or six months do not whip him A gentle smack on the loins with the hand and a severe scolding are better. Beating would cow and not teach him. On no account leave his education to others, especially servants. If you cannot take the trouble, buy a puppy already trained. But a well-bred pup soon learns, and by six months should be quite clean in the house At that age, too, it is time enough to take him out-of-doors for walks. He will be stronger to resist any infectious germs hq may meet, and his nerves will be steadier. I often begin a little earlier to take a pup on a lead a few yards in a quiet spot, and find that he quickly learns to associate his lead with a pleasure, and is wonderfully little trouble in teaching to follow later. Three things he must learn — ^to go on a lead, to follow, and to stay where he is told. For all three nothing but infinite patience and firmness is necessary. Some pups are slow, some quick, but all, if normal, will learn. To these three I now add obedience to the words " Off the road ! " and so far the motor has spared my puppies and dogs ! Wiien to Teach Triclcs If it is desired to teach tricks, then it is well to wait until about six months, as with heavy breeds the bones are not "set " until then or later, and there is a danger of curv- ature. Besides, he has other and more important matters to learn. A clever dog can learn at any age. I had an old terrier of ten that could learn anything that was insisted upon, though he "^much preferred meditating upon his past achievements. A word of warning should be given against the dangerous and senseless habit of throwing stones for dogs. Nothing more quickly and surely ruins a dog's mouth and teeth, for one thing, while for another, nothing is easier than for him to swallow the object. Many a dog has succumbed after much agony to the effects of swallowing a large pebble thrown for it by a well-meaning friend. Discourage any dog that shows a desire to carry stones. And if a stick is thrown see that it is not chewed when retrieved. Punish- ment should promptly follow any dis- obedience in this matter. The above remarks apply to puppies of all breeds — commonsense, of course, sug- gesting any differences that must be made between Toys and St. Bernards. Very delicate puppies in any case would require special care just as would delicate or ab- normal children. To sum up, warmth, careful generous feeding, love and infinite patience are the essentials, and, if bestowed freely, will reap their due reward. A Hint to tiie Owner Finally — it is doubtless unnecessary to say this to dog-owners, certainly to dog- lovers — remember that a dog is, as are most human beings, as popular as he deserves to be, and therefore endeavour to make him as acceptable to others as he is to his owner, by sternly repressing any liberties he may wish 1 o take with the property and persons of others.