Page:Everybody's Book of English wit and humour (1880).djvu/89

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English Wit and Humour.

Bishop Wilkins how she could get up to the world he had discovered in the moon; for, as the way must needs be long, a person travelling thither would require to have some resting-places by the way.

"Oh, madam," said the bishop, "your grace who has built so many castles in the air can be at no loss."

"What's often Thought, hut ne'er so well Expressed."

The Rev. Mr Perkins being called upon suddenly to address a Sunday school, thought he would get a few original ideas from his young hearers.

"Children," said he, "I want some of you to tell me what I shall talk to you about to-night. What shall I say?"

At first there was no response.

"That bright little fellow over there," said he, pointing to a youngster on one of the back seats,

"What shall I say to you to-night?"

In a little piping voice came the answer: "Say amen and sit down."

The Bishop, the Boy, and the Banbury Cake.

A short time after the present Bishop of Worcester had been appointed to that See he had occasion to travel through Banbury by rail. Being desirous to test, and at the same time encourage the far-famed industry of the town, and as the train stopped for a short time in the station, he beckoned to a boy, and inquired the price of the celebrated cakes.

"Threepence each, sir," said the boy.

Handing him sixpence, the bishop desired him to bring one to the carriage, adding, "And with the other threepence buy one for yourself."

The boy shortly returned, complacently munching his Banbury, and handing threepence in coppers to the bishop, exclaimed, "There was only one left, gnv'nor!"

Taken "Off-Duty."

A certain exacting lawyer had his portrait taken in his favourite attitude—standing with his hand in his pocket. His friends and clients went to see it, and everybody exclaimed, "Oh, how like! It's the very picture of him!"

An old farmer, however, was not satisfied with it. "Don't you