Page:Everyday Luncheons.djvu/171

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One Hundred Sandwich Fillings

46. Five heaping teaspoonfuls of powdered sugar, two of cocoa, and two of boiling water. Stir over the fire until smooth. Add a few drops of vanilla and cool.

47. Minced hard-boiled eggs, grated cheese, and made mustard, mixed to a paste with olive-oil.

48. Equal parts of cold roast beef, boiled tongue, ham, and cold roast turkey. Season with chopped pickle and mix with mayonnaise.

49. One cupful of cold roast chicken, three olives, one pickle, and a tablespoonful of capers. Mince fine and mix with mayonnaise.

50. Orange marmalade.

51. Cream cheese, lettuce leaves, and French dressing.

52. Lettuce leaves and mayonnaise.

53. Salmon, capers, chopped chives, and mayonnaise.

54. Cold, cooked veal chopped fine with hard-boiled eggs. Season with tomato catsup.

55. Hard-boiled eggs cut into slices, sprinkled with salt and pepper and chopped parsley.

56. Cold roast chicken and finely cut celery mixed with mayonnaise.

57. Lettuce leaves, pimentos, and mayonnaise.

58. Cottage cheese seasoned with mustard and chopped olives, mixed with mayonnaise.

59. Minced ham, olives, and parsley.