Page:Everyday Luncheons.djvu/229

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Easy Desserts for Luncheon

through cheese-cloth before putting into the jelly. Or, use loaf sugar, and rub the lumps upon the orange rind to extract the zest.


Beat the yolks of five eggs with the whites of two, then add four ounces of sugar. Stir into a quart of milk which is just at the boiling point, and add the grated rind of an orange. Pour into a buttered pudding-dish, set the pan into another of boiling water and bake until a knife comes out clean. Make a meringue of the whites of the eggs beaten to a stiff froth with a little powdered sugar, flavored with orange-juice, sprinkle with powdered sugar and a little of the grated rind, and brown quickly in the oven. Serve either hot or cold.


Use one pound of California figs. Soak in cold water until soft, then stew slowly until tender. Add sugar enough to make a rich, heavy syrup, and flavor with a few drops of vanilla. Cool and turn into a glass dish. Just before serving, cover the figs with whipped cream which has been sweetened and flavored with vanilla. Serve small plain cakes or wafers with it.