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ulll‘insslfied document, I wfll be limited in how i dusv—ibe what i said nextil ilhcn oxplalneu wily leak.» purpomngm bu about FHi lncelliyence operalllms wPre aim wrrihln and .1 serlaus violatmn at the law. I explained ihat :hz FBi gathlln lniullluunuu n. nun llwquljl llm Fl‘llsidwli lu run-kn dmlsmlls, dull lfpuupiu run amund Lullingihc prvss whn! wt! All). that ability will bu Lumpmmiswv [said I was l-agl‘r m mm Icakcn and wnuid like «mail Una m m dnnrasa nu-mgc I “la mniulli‘ulgalmuli: In:ng difficult and he renllrd that we need [(1 go miter (he n-pnrmrs, and rormud mthe rm mm m or 15 years ago w» nu: them in jail to find .illl win-ll. may know. and it worked. He mentiunad Judy Mlllur by namel lexpiaincd marl was a ran of pursuing leaks aggressivaly but that going liner reparmrs was

ricky for legal masons and became DOI Lends lu approach it conservatively. He

replied hy leHil-lg me no laikm "Sessions" and see what we can doahnulbaing muru nggl‘esiivfi. I mid him I would speak m the Attorney General

Atahou: this pain; Reincc Priebus opened the wall dour by the clock and the Presldllrll sent him away saying he would be anotherminuw urlwn and he knew

Ilwple were waitmg.

Hr :hc-n returned to tho topic of Mike Flynn. saying that Flynn isa good guy, and has new through .1 lot He mlsled the Vice President but he dldn‘l do anthlrlg rung .n Lhu ullil Hu sum, "l hupu you can see your way Llear :u lemng ihls an, to luulng Flynn go. Hu is a good guy. l hupc you can let this you" lrcplicrl by saying, "I nun-u hv i: a gvud guy,“ butsald nu mnrc.

'l'Iw Prcsldunr than wrapped up nurcnnversaiinn by returning [U ml: imueul finding lulu: « [52nd mmulning about the value ofputting a hand an a plkc a: a mmagu, He renlied by saylngll may lnvnlve puttlng reporters in lail. “They spend a mupla day): in jail. make a new friend. and (hey am ready cu mik." l iaughcd as I walked :0 thr dnor Ruincc Pl'lehus had onencd.

A; i walked out llu: Vicn President was standingius: untslde the dour, walling We snack hands. There wasa large gruup with film including Priebus and the newly <wnrn»in Secretary oiHNS, Tom Prlce. l walked through the group and away l'mm lhl' Oval "mac. went downstairs, and exited onto UIL‘ West EXHCurlvn Drive. on the way outdnwnsuirs, l saw luhn Kelly gathered wlxh slaif 15mpde m gm: him and in» [old me he has previnu<ly acri‘pmd an invitation to speak to HRT at Quanrim dimul leadership and wondul'cd lfil was stiii (lkuy U) do It. {said by ali means [Ink

would \)I‘ grant

rill: 2/14“?

gilt“ l?