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Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 230 / Friday, December 3, 2021 / Presidential Documents

Presidential Documents

Executive Order 14056 of December 1, 2021

The National Space Council

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows:
Section 1. Purpose. The National Space Council (Council), as authorized under Title V of Public Law 100–685, advises and assists the President regarding national space policy and strategy. This order sets forth the Council’s membership, duties, and responsibilities.
Sec. 2. Membership of the National Space Council. The Council shall be composed of:
(a) the Vice President, who shall be Chair of the Council;
(b) the Secretary of State;
(c) the Secretary of Defense;
(d) the Secretary of the Interior;
(e) the Secretary of Agriculture;
(f) the Secretary of Commerce;
(g) the Secretary of Labor;
(h) the Secretary of Transportation;
(i) the Secretary of Energy;
(j) the Secretary of Education;
(k) the Secretary of Homeland Security;
(l) the Director of the Office of Management and Budget;
(m) the Director of National Intelligence;
(n) the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy;
(o) the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs;
(p) the Assistant to the President for Economic Policy;
(q) the Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy;
(r) the Assistant to the President and National Climate Advisor;
(s) the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff;
(t) the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration; and
(u) the heads of other executive departments and agencies (agencies) and other senior officials within the Executive Office of the President, as determined by the Chair.
Sec. 3. Functions and Operations of the Council. (a) The Council shall advise and assist the President on space policy and strategy. In particular, it shall:
(i) review, develop, and provide recommendations to the President on space policy and strategy;
(ii) coordinate implementation of space policy and strategy;
(iii) synchronize the Nation’s civil, commercial, and national security space activities in furtherance of the objectives of the President’s national space policy and strategy;