Page:Experimental researches in chemistry and.djvu/198

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Sulpho-Napthalic Acid.

the general nature of this action, I was led to suspect the occasional combination of the hydrocarbonaceous matter with the acid. and even its entrance into the constitution of the salts which the acid afterwards formed with bases. Although this opinion proved incorrect, relative to the peculiar hydrocarbons forming the subject of that paper, yet it led to experiments upon analogous bodies, and amongst others, upon naphtha line, which terminated in the production of the new acid body and salts now to be described.

Some of the results obtained by the use of the oil-gas products are very peculiar. If when completed, I find them sufficiently interesting, I shall think it my duty to place them before the Royal Society, as explicatory of that action of sulphuric acid which was briefly noticed in my last paper.

Most authors who have had occassion to describe naphtha line,have noticed its habitues with sulphuric acid. Mr. Brando several years since [1] stated that naphtha line dissolved in heated sulphuric acid "in considerable abundance, forming a deep violet-coloured solution, which bears diluting with water without decomposition. The alkalies produce in this solution a white flaky precipitate, and if diluted the mixture becomes curiously opalescent, in consequence of the separation of numerous small flakes." The precipitate by alkali was probably one of the salts to be hereafter described.

Dr. Kidd observes[2], that "it blackens sulphuric acid when boiled with it; the addition of water to the mixture having no other effect than to dilute the colour, neither does any precipitation talle place upon saturating the acid with ammonia."

Mr. Chamberlain states[3], that sulphuric acid probably decomposes naphthaline, for that it holds but a very small quantity in solution. The true interpretation of these facts and statements will be readily deduced from the following experimental details.

1. Production and properties of the new acid formed from Sulphuric Acid and Naphtha line.—Naphthaline, which had been almost entirely freed from naphtha by repeated sublimation and pressure, was pulverized; about one part with three or

  1. Quart. Journ. of Science, 1819, viii, 239.
  2. Phil. Trans. 1821, p. 216.
  3. Annals of Philosphy, 1823, N.S. vi. p. 136.