Page:Experimental researches in chemistry and.djvu/508

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N.B. A dash rule represent the italics immediately preceding it.

  • ACOUSTICAL figures., peculiar,314.
  • Aërial perspective, 15.
  • Air excluded from ice, 373.
  • Alkali in glass, its effect, 281.
  • Alkaline change of vegetable colours,
  • Alloys of iron, 80.
  • Alloys of steel, 57, 68.
  • Aluminium and polarized light, 441.
  • Aluminium dedagradons, 405.
  • Ammonia, cases of its formation, 143.
  • ———, its pressure, 114.
  • ———, liquefied, 94, 114, 127.
  • ———, soldified, 114.
  • ———, compounds with chlorides, 18.
  • ———, solutions of silver in, 13.
  • Ammonio-fulminating silver, 16.
  • Anhydrous sulphate of soda, 230.
  • Arseniuretted hydrogen, liquefied, 115,
  • ———, its pressure, 115.
  • Bimrburet of hydrogen, 157.
  • Boracic acid, its action on turmeric, 27.
  • Bottles replaced by tubes, 152.
  • Breathing time extended, 358.
  • Bromides of phosphorus, 104.
  • Caoutchouc, 174,
  • Capillary tubes and gases 5, 6.
  • Carbon, chlorides of, 33.
  • Caribon and hydrogen, new compounds of, 154.
  • Carbonic acid, liquefied, 92, 108, 121, 124, 133.
  • ———, solidided, 102, 108.
  • ———, its freezing- and boiling-points, 110
  • ———, its pressure, 109.
  • ———, solid, electric, 102.
  • ——— baths, 99.
  • Carburet of hydrogen, new, 163.
  • Chemical force an conservation of force,454, 461.
  • Chloride of silver and ammonia, 18, 94.
  • ——— decomposed by hydrogen, 31.
  • ——— ——— zinc, 31.
  • Chlorides of carbon, 33, 53.
  • Chlorides combined with ammonia, 19.
  • Chlorine, hydrated, 81.
  • Chlorine gas condensed, 84, 85, 95, 129,
  • Cohesion, its effect in solids and fluids, 378.
  • ———, its relation to ice and water, 378.
  • ———, in relation to saline crysals, 380.
  • Cold baths for gases, 99.
  • Combustion of the diamond, 11.
  • Condensation gauges, 91, 98.
  • Condensation of gases, 89, 96.
  • ———, ammonia, 94, 114, 127.
  • ———, arserinuretted hydrogen., 115, 130.
  • ———, carbonic acid, 92, 108, 121, 124, 133.
  • ———, chlorine, 85, 95, 129, 131.
  • ———, cyanogen, 94, 113.
  • ———, euchlorine, 92, 110.
  • ———, fluosilicon, 104.
  • ———, hydriodic acid, 103.
  • ———, hydro bromic acid, 104.
  • ———, hydrochloric acid, 95, 106, 131.
  • ———, nitrous oxide, 93, 111, 117.
  • ———, olefiant gas, 102, 118.
  • ———, oxygen attempted, 122.
  • ———, phosphuretted hydrogen, 105.
  • ———, sulphuretted hydrogen, 90, 107.
  • ———, sulphurous acid, 89, 107, 129, 132
  • Condensed gases, their elasticity, 122.
  • Conduction of heat, sounds during, 311.
  • Conservation of force, 443, 460.
  • Copper and polarized light 440.
  • ———, deflagrations, 404.
  • ———, fllm, 410.
  • Crispation of vibrating fluids, 335.
  • Crystals of sulphate of soda 153, 230.
  • Cynogen, liquefied, 94, 113.
  • ———, solidified, 113.
  • Decomposition of hydrocarbons by sudden expansion, 219.
  • Deflagrated metals, their action on light, 401, 404, 435.
  • Depolarization of light by gold, 437.